THE Handwritten lyrics of "Give Peace a Chance" are to be auctioned in July. The lyric sheet was given to a fan who snuck past security to hang out with the Lennons at their "bed-in for peace" in Toronto, where they also recorded the song.
YOKO Ono and the holders of hours of video tape of John Lennon are awaiting a May 21 hearing to see who controls the video, which was shot by Ono's ex-husband, Anthony Cox. The holders of the tapes say they bought them from Cox. Ono claims the footage was private and never meant to be seen by the public.

LEXUS gave Paul a new hybrid luxury sedan earlier this month (guess he can't afford one!). Instead of shipping it by boat they sent it as air freight, which burns more fuel. Those who have bought into the global warming hoax have been critical of the move, McCartney himself was reportedly "horrified". McCartney also wants the world to "go veggie".

"I REAd the news today, oh boy," and got a free copy of Macca's latest CD, Memory Almost Full with the May 18th edition of the London Mail. Sir Paul's generosity extends to a free concert in Kiev, Ukraine on 6/14. For those wanting to go, flights to Kiev run about $2900...which I think is what I paid to see him in Columbus.
ALSO, having just spent $47 million dollars to get rid of his wife, McCartney wants to bring her on his next world tour because it's the only way he can see baby Beatrice.
AS MEentioned here, the two Traveling Wilburys albums that were issued last year as a collection will be re-released as individual albums (Volume One and Volume Three. Thought wanting one without the other is like wanting a left arm but not the right. Should you own these albums in some form? Should you own a copy of 'Star Wars'...or the Bible? I still recommend the set instead. You get the same music plus a DVD for a lower price.

RINGO key rings? It's not a dream...it's true. Find them along with more snazzy merchandise on the Ringo Starr and his All-Starr Band tour...maybe coming near YOU! Tour member Colin Hay sez, "It's a mistake for you not to geet tickets. Wait, I'm getting another call. Who can it be now?"

1 comment:
Hey Matt,
You omitted the biggest Beatles news of all... the revelation that Paul McCartney plagiarized "Hey Jude."
Here's a clip of the original performer singing the song.
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