BRIAN Epstein’s first contract with the Beatles was sold at auction on Thursday for ₤240,000. Signed on January 24, 1962, it gave Epstein 25% of the band’s earnings, but only if the band was making over ₤800/week. It’s signed by all four Beatles, as well as the fathers of underage Harrison and McCartney. Epstein didn’t sign until October 1st, when he secured a recording deal with EMI.

MONOPoly has released a Beatles version of the game. Most of the properties are album titles instead of real estate, with a couple of exceptions (e.g. instead of Park Place, there’s Abbey Road Studios). The tokens represent Beatles songs: walrus, sun, raccoon, octopus, strawberry and hammer (if you can’t guess the songs, shame on you!). For the curious, the copy of the game in the photo is under the famous arm of McCartney himself (wonder if he got a free one?).

M. CHapman, the jackass who murdered John Lennon on December 8, 1980, has been denied parole for a 5th time. Rot awhile longer, nutjob!

PAUL has a new love interest – Nancy Shevell. No golddigger she, Nancy already has her millions and is vice president of her family business – New England Motor Freight. Paul recently took a trip down Route 66 with his new gal, detouring in Branson, Missouri to hang out with George Harrison’s sister, Louise.
SADLY, there is no Ringo Starr news. Hopefully this bizarre ad from Japan will tide you over...
The tokens represent Beatles songs: walrus, sun, raccoon, octopus, strawberry and hammer (if you can’t guess the songs, shame on you!).
Pop quiz: What Beatles song is represented by the sun?
A) Here Comes the Sun
B) I'll Follow the Sun
C) Sun King
D) Good Day Sunshine
E) Mother Nature's Sun
F) Yellow Sunmarine
The answer is:
G) Sunthing
There are actually some pretty good Branson shows worth seeing!
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