About a year ago, my pal Todd Fox asked me why there was a Steve Canyon costume for Captain Action. To catch up those outside my esoteric enclave, Steve Canyon is a comic strip hero created by Milton Caniff and Captain Action was an action figure produced between 1966-68. You bought the basic Captain Action figure and then bought costumes/disguises/uniforms to turn him into other super-heroes like Superman, Batman and Flash Gordon.
Todd's question intrigued me. I doubted that the young boys who were fans of Captain Action would also be fans of the Steve Canyon comic strip. The "Steve Canyon" TV series (currently available on DVD)had been off for years and the merchandising associated with the show was long gone. He had no cartoon or comic book, so what was the connection?
I decided to research the problem at my favorite library, the Cartoon Research Library and Museum at OSU. It was also during this visit that I interviewed library curator Lucy Shelton Caswell. I looked through boxes of material relating to Steve Canyon and Captain Action, most of it correspondence between Caniff's agent, Toni Mendez, and Ideal, the toy company that made Captain Action.
Some of this research has made it into a terrific new book - Captain Action: the Original Superhero Action Figure. The book, by comics maven Michael Eury, gives you everything you ever wanted to know about this beloved line of toys. It has a history of the toy, complete character biographies and pictures of every toy and ancillary item in the Captain Action line. Steve Canyon gets plenty of coverage, equal to that of Superman and other better-known characters. If you're a Captain Action collector, or recall him from your childhood days, this book is a must-have.

I actually questioned the reasoning behind the Canyon costume, too. The GIJOE connection added to the pre-existing relationship makes sense. thanks for taking the time to figure it out!
Yeah,a lot of kids followed the Canyon strip, though Id have liked to see Terry from "Terry and the Pirates" if I'd had the choice. George Wunder did a remarkable job when he took over that Strip. I never owned a CA, but had buds who did....I had a "Stony Smith", because it came with all the airborne gear. Funny though....the outfits fitted all the basic 12" figures, so it was easy to swap those around. I think Stony was an easy swap for the Fury fig. Those were the good old days for toys, before the movies and promo crap showed up.
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