What little girl in the '70s didn't want to wear Wonder Woman's tiara, bounce away bullets with metal wristbands, or wrap up criminals in a magic lasso? Well, now those girls (and probably some boys) can get their chance. Or can they? I was upset by the disclaimer in the corner of the ad - NOT TO BE WORN OR USED AS WEAPONS. Not to be worn?!? Why else would I want this thing? Don't they know the Iron Man helmet is too cumbersome to be worn while driving (or so the cops keep telling me)? The tiara is the perfect solution. The wristbands may not be bulletproof, but that's ok. I don't exactly have the reflexes to move my arms in the path of random oncoming bullets. And the lasso may not force it's captives to tell the truth, but aren't there some truths I don't want to know (especially when I'm in a tiara and gold bracelets)?
There's something a little grim about the whole "trophy room" concept. Wouldn't I have to kill Wonder Woman to get this stuff off her? And then you get it home, and it's shiny in it's replica-ness and all, but your wish fulfillment is left a little wanting. I've suffered through web-shooters that don't shoot spider webs, Bat-Signals that summon no one, and Red Kryptonite that doesn't turn Lois Lane into a super-giantess. I know why my Star Trek communicator doesn't work. The Starship Enterprise is out of range (duh!) Ok, I do have one replica that does work. My Green Lantern ring. Yeah, baby!

The JLA Trophy Room: Wonder Woman Tiara, Bracelets and Lasso Prop Replica is available for $325 from your favorite comics retailer.
Special thanks to Kendall Swafford (props & original photo) and Eric Wagner (super colossal photo editing).
Matt Tauber you are one crazy mofo.
These replicas are incredible. They are just for appearing in a Wonder Woman movie because of their similarities with the comic ones. Viagra Generic Viagra
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