CANIFF, the new art book from the Library of American Comics, will be released in July. Meanwhile, the book's editor and designer, Dean Mullaney, occasionally teases us with goodies from the upcoming tome. Here's a
recent post.

Speaking of the LoAC, their recent book on Alex Toth has me paining at only being able to read a snippet before bedtime. "GENIUS, ISOLATED: The Life and Art of Alex Toth" is by Dean Mullaney and Bruce Canwell. They've struck a goldmine here, presenting stories from Toth's career, often from the original art. Toth was a devotee of Caniff, evolving into mutual admiration. For more on the book, here's a nice review by fellow Caniffite
Randy Reynaldo.

The tenacious John Ellis has just provided an update on the upcoming release of Volume 3 of the "Steve Canyon" TV series on DVD. You can find that on
the official blog. One problem is that the deeper he digs, the more gold he finds. A good problem to have, Caniffites! Ellis thanks us for our patience, but I think for something unseen by most for over 50 years, we can stand the wait a little. Volume 3 is available for

A new exhibit opened this month at the Reading Room of the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum. 'Dick Tracy: Chester Gould's Blueprint Expressionism' offers a fresh look at everyone's favorite comic strip detective. The exhibit was assembled by Museum curator Jenny Robb and Pulitzer-winning cartoonist Art Spiegelman. The exhibit (
details here), runs until August 19th.

Mark Ferenchik of the Columbus Dispatch tried to uncover the mystery of three intersecting roads named Caniff in this April 24th Article -
Where We Live.

Steve Canyon is part of the montage in this George Perez cover for Comics Revue #300. The above was posted by Perez on his Facebook page, along with this description - "After experimenting on some private commissions, I decided to try my pencil tone-to color technique on a cover that would actually be published. On the left, is the original marker and pencil tone illustration I drew for the cover of COMICS REVUE #300. On the right is what it looks like after I digitally converted the grays to color. I think it makes for two very unique pieces. Hopefully the publisher-- and you all-- like the results."
We do, George. We do! "Steve Canyon" strip reprints have appeared in all but 32 issues over the magazines 25 year history. The strips currently running are from 1971 and include color reproductions of the Sunday strips. In addition to "Canyon", the magazine runs 18 other strips, including Alley Oop, Mac Raboy's "Flash Gordon" and Russ Manning's "Tarzan". It can be ordered from your comics retailer,
Bud Plant or directly from Manuscript Press at PO BOX 336, Mountain Home TN 37684
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