Artist/writer Dave Sim pays homage to Milton Caniff in the latest issue of his oddest comic work yet!

Dave Sim is the creator of Cerebus, a 300 issue comic book epic that he published himself over a 28-year period. While monthly sales figures only numbered a few thousand, it’s a legendary feat in the world of comics, one that has never been done before nor doubtfully ever again (the issues have long been available in collection form, available here) Cerebus was a drama, hilarious at times (like all good dramas), but on the whole a serious work (taken too seriously by some, witnessed by the impassioned letters that filled the back of each issue, many replete with intellectual folderol). So it was with bemusement and skepticism that the public met Sim’s announcement late last year that his next project would be called ‘Glamourpuss’.

Milton Caniff, my favorite blogging topic, figures heavily in issue #2. Sim explores the influence of the “big three” comic strip artists: Raymond, Caniff and Hal Foster. These are the names most cited as influences by any artist who lived during the 1930s. Sim describes Caniff’s style as “cartoon realism”, placing stylized figures against photo-realistic backgrounds. Sim also recreates three ‘Terry & the Pirates’ panels and draws three pictures of Caniff, like the reproduction of this famous AP photo [click on it for larger view] -

Sim made a short video explaining his process for reproducing a photo of a fashion model. We get a look inside Sim's studio and his dry delivery cracks me up.
GLAMOURPUSS is on sale at your local comics shop. It’s not the kind of comic that stores order a lot of, so if you don’t see it, just ask!
This blog has jumped the shark. When's the last time we got a Jeff Lynne update?
Hey Matt,
Thought this would interest you. A bulletin from 500Kin365.org:
There's going to be a 30-minute special about Katie Reider on Cincinnati's local public tv station tonight at 7:30. The actual station varies depending on which cable/satelline provider you have but it's on WCET tonight.
CET pays Tribute to Reider
The show is "In The Tank"
tonight on Cincinnati's Channel 48 at 7:30pm
August 2008
Thursday, August 21 2008, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 24, 2008, 6:00 p.m.
Full half-hour devoted to highlights from Katie Reider’s memorial service, held at Crossroads Community Church in July 2008. Includes interviews with Katie’s Dad, Rob, and her partner Karen, her sister Abby, as well as inspirational music from the Katie Reider Band.
If you are not in the cincinnati area, CET will feature this on their website in the next few days and i will post a link once it is up online too.
Please pass the word!
Right now we're also in process of making changes to our 500K site for Katie for September. We'll have much more to come.
Stay tuned!
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